Monday, July 5, 2010

A creation into consciousness...


I spent last sunday in a small eco village about 150 km south of Moscow. The village was created around ten years ago. I have been reading a book series entitled Anastasia, which is essentially about a Russian Entrepreneur who comes across a woman living in the Taiga, completely off the grid, raising her son and thoroughly intertwined with nature and the animals. The books go on to demonstrate and talk about a vision for small villages of this type to be built all across Russia and the world. This particular Village was created and envisioned from much of the same principles.

From the moment I entered into the open vast expanse of green, wild flowers and the fresh smell of wilderness, my heart and spirit began to slow down just a little bit. I was happily greeted by the friends of my friend Ekaterina, whom I am staying with here in Moscow. She, personally, had experienced living in one of these settlements, when her sister had a child completely in nature a few years back. So Alyonna, and her mother Ekerna, greeted both of us with a warm Russian embrace and even with a strong language barrier, I could simply feel and understand the presence & energy these women were living in within this community.

It was amazing to simply connect without language and understand and feel most of their discussions. Intuition was practiced and experienced for me throughout the day! We shared together some local honey, some wild berry jam, and the best were the Siberian Cedar nuts. These are small brown nuts with an incredible sweet taste and also thoroughly discussed throughout the ringing Cedars book series for their natural healing capabilities.

As the day continued on, we had lunch with some of the other local families and got to be a part of a raw cooking class taking place amongst the children of the village. One of the older women of the community brought all the children together to teach them about various herbs and also how to make a very tasty typical Russian Dish. It had potatoes, dill, radishes, cucumbers, some locally cultured milk and a brew made from fermented nuts. Once this was all mixed together it made a sort of raw stew that we all thoroughly enjoyed!

Having my friend Ekaterina with me, allowed me to understand a lot of what was happening, as she could easily translate their discussion. A few of the homes we visited were built 100 percent from raw materials, simply by mixing clay, straw and various stone mixes together, these homes were built to be cool through a warm summer and easily sustain and comfort through a harsh Russian winter.

The expressions of gratitude and continual growth were ever present throughout this community, as it was easy to see their constant evolution as individuals, but also as a large community within one combined vision. Some of the residents spent the entire year within the settlement, simply depending on the strength and durability of their home. Others spent their summer weekend inside their home building and preparing it for all of the seasons.

The grasses were filled with small red wild strawberries, which were a delicious bite of pure natural living. Each wild flower had its own unique specialty, and purpose, and most of them with a delicious flavor. One unique family was almost complete in their vision of building their own home in the shape of an oak leaf. The bottom floor of this beautiful “Dacha” was mostly complete, with the second floor still on its way towards completion. Each inch of these locations was a perfect demonstration of the ingenuity and focus of a family towards a combined dream of sustainable regenerative living.

The day was happily greeted by a brisk jump in the local stream, which many of the locals were enjoying. The water was extremely cold and refreshing, filling my body and soul with the pure energy of this magical land. From this stream and many of their own wells, each family plot had a large supply of water. This was not just ordinary water either; I could feel the layers of earth it had been filtered through to be delightfully delivered to the grateful embrace of my mouth.

After meeting with many locals and fully engulfing and absorbing the vast beauty of this settlement, a cozy nap amongst the trees in the naturally built hammock was perfect. My body needed a rest and my spirit had a moment to rebirth. As I began to drift into the beauty and energy of this environment, I began to see the creation of this new planet.

Captivated by the presence of a new dream

Living upon by the thousands of years of ancient wisdom

Locally created by the dreams of the grateful and fortunate

This grass speaks its season of glory

Into the spirit of the waiting child




The creation of the perfect consciousness

That he has been so pleasantly greeted upon

When the earth begins to speak its wisdom

The Sun allows the stars to speak

To wait in the open veins of its forgotten father

Bringing forth the presence of this newly remembered dream

Being lived in by the warmth of a new race…

So with the thoughts and experience of this beautiful day, I entered back into the busy streets of Moscow, with an even greater appreciation of this life I lead and more importantly YOU lead. For this day brought the knowledge back to me, that in every moment, and in every location, this same life can be lead as these wise people of this village. They may be acting out upon their own individualized dream; however this can take place for anyone with anything. I personally resonate and feel the energy and vibe of this more natural way of living, but with a simply breath of your growing plants outside your busy city apartment, or a calm embrace of the sweet air surrounding you, it is quite easy to return your consciousness to the love and truth of its being.

Soon, I will be off to more country homes and village beauty farther deep into the vastness of Russia…but more another day.


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