Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dreams at the Door

Knocking at the Door

Once upon a dream

a young man stirred quietly in the field

waiting for that moment to become he

waiting for that instance

when the world turns its head

and allows his quiet confidence to be the ear

for all his village to see

however, he waits forever for this moment

Years pass by

Centuries disappear

and this man who once desired to be free

has now becomes the man he always wanted to be

awake from the destruction

akin to the world

awaiting his life to unfold into the grace he always foretold

for his mother was right

and his father told him so

he has become the man the world always wanted him to sow

he fell broadly upon the plains

he bloodied strongly amongst the estrange.

for now he admits the answer that he so boldly always knew

was waiting at the cold of his destructing former ego once sold...

for, the time is now

the dream is here

the instance of his day pushed quietly at the mist running astray

for this man to which we push away

may just be the man we always wanted to see.

So surpass the bias

undermine the fortunes less told

and belittle yourself into the mass appeal for letting go

for the ego is lost

the self has disappeared

this man to which we seek

is only the one knocking at your front door...


In an escape from the contradiction

and an applause from her freedom

she dreams of the day to come

alive into the pieces that placed her together

her mangled tears

intermeshed into the illusions of her past

she yearns for the moment, when peace overwhelms her soul

when the aching to become free in this present world

Overextends the magical moment of simply being she

when she can overcome the bursting of fears

to walk gently into the shadow of her darkest hour

when the earth speaks softly into her awaiting ear

when the sun opens her shadow to broadcast her beauty broadly upon the world

when her realization that today marks the day of dropping all games

her power of awakening comes full circle into the beauty of the day

for this moment stirs silently like all others

awaiting for that push of desire

and that stir of inspiration,

for the very thought that today is unlike all others

and this magnificence shines openly for all to see

is the answer we all know some openly

for the illusion of her contradiction is only just a broadcast away

its only just a simple year away from the moment when her heart melts

her fear trembles away,

and she is left melting into the illusion

s of comfort

that used to wrap her astray

for this moment is here

this moment is now

stand up and applaud for the crowd has awakened

to the beauty of she...

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